le mythique petit Cabanon

Publié le par Didi de Paris

Par définition le cabanon est une petite cellule obscure dans les maisons d'aliénés et c'est bien par dérision que les Marseillais utilisèrent au début du siècle dernier ce terme nordique pour désigner leurs petites constructions de fortunes. A la base le cabanon était un abri que les pêcheurs construisaient un peu partout au bord du littoral dans les endroits les plus préservés des intempéries pour entreposer leur matériel au cours de l'hiver. 

Ecologique avant l'heure, le cabanon était plutôt synonyme de pauvreté. Faisant preuve d'ingéniosité et donnant libre cours à leur imagination, ces cabanes étaient le plus souvent réalisées d'éléments récupérés.

Sorte d'"autoconstruction" élaborées sans aucune règle architecturale, les cabanons devinrent très vite de véritables "maisonnettes" secondaires, transmises de génération en génération. Mais voilà devenus un véritable phénomène social les cabanons s'arrachent  aujourd'hui à prix d'or et deviennent petit à petit de véritables constructions modernes perdant ainsi leur cachet et fonction d'origine.



By definition the "cabanon" is a small and obscure cell in the houses of lunatics and it is by derision that the Marseillais used at the beginning of the last century this Scandinavian term to name their small constructions. At the base the cottage was a shelter that the fishermen built everywhere on the littoral in the most preserved places from bad weather to store their hardware during the winter. 
Ecological before the hour, the cottage was rather synonymous of poverty. Showing ingeniousness and giving free course to their imagination, these huts were generally carried out by natural elements.
Without any architectural rule, the cottages became very quickly secondary houses, transmitted from generation to generation. But, true social phenomenon this cottages became in few years incredibly popular and expensive and have been    in modern constructions losing their seal and function of origin.
By definition the "cabanon" is a small and obscure cell in the houses of lunatics and it is by derision that the Marseillais used at the beginning of the last century this Scandinavian term to name their small constructions. At the base the cottage was a shelter that the fishermen built everywhere on the littoral in the most preserved places from bad weather to store their hardware during the winter.  Ecological before the hour, the cottage was rather synonymous of poverty. Showing ingeniousness and giving free course to their imagination, these huts were generally carried out by natural elements. Without any architectural rule, the cottages became very quickly secondary houses, transmitted from generation to generation. But, true social phenomenon this cottages became in few years incredibly popular and very expensive and have been transform into modern constructions losing their seal and function of origin.


Publié dans Provence

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